Radicalization Of Women A Worrying Trend – Analysis
A former part-time religious teacher and housewife in Singapore was detained in April this year for planning to Syria to join Islamic State (IS) group. In August last year, she was found to have been radicalised by her Malaysian husband and supported his intention to travel together along with their two children to join IS. While her husband was arrested and deported back to Malaysia, she was placed under Restriction Order (RO) which she was subjected to certain restrictions such as seeking permission to travel abroad instead of being detained. Since being subjected to RO, she remains entrenched in her radical beliefs and persisted in communicating with IS overseas supporters online. She also refused to make any genuine effort to participate in rehabilitation programme.
Full Frame: Countering Extremism
The Global Terrorism Index tracks the latest trends in terrorism around the world. The latest report, from 2020, found terrorism has decreased since its peak in 2014. But, far-right terrorism in the West is up 250 percent over the past five years. Early data suggests the pandemic is actually increasing terrorism in some parts of the world.